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Remington 770 Rifles in Canada

The Remington 770 is a very popular low cost alternative to the Remington 700. The Remington 700 is so popular, but fairly expensive for the budget minded, that remington decided to make several cheaper alternatives. From that spawned this firearm.
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Country of Origin: USA
Countries of Manufacture:
simmilar to 700
Fire Type:
Bolt Action
Legal Classification*:

The model 770 is almost identical to its forebearer the Remington model 710. Great bolt action gun, I have seen many shoot accurately.

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We will be offering this gun for sale in Canada as soon as we are given clearance to do so.


Camo paint job.

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Guns: Rimfire Rifles, Centerfire Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols/Handguns, Muzzleloaders, Combination Guns

Ammunition: Rimfire Ammo, Centerfire ammo, Shotgun ammo, handgun ammo